Revo uninstaller pro portable v3.16
Revo uninstaller pro portable v3.16

revo uninstaller pro portable v3.16

If you want to remove a program but cannot find it in the uninstall list, then you can use the Hunter mode.

revo uninstaller pro portable v3.16

The Hunter mode in Revo Uninstaller makes your life easier. This context menu also shows many other options like opening software’s help link, opening its update link, searching Google for it and more. You can also right-click on the icon of an installed program and select Uninstall from the context menu. If you want to uninstall a program, then you can double-click on its icon and the related uninstaller would execute. It shows a list of all the installed programs on your system. If you downloaded the portable edition, then you can just extract the contents and start running it without having to install anything. The download is around 3 megabytes in size. The download is available as in installer but you can also download the portable edition from the PortableApps site. You can download Revo Uninstaller from its website. Revo Uninstaller is a free Windows application that can help you easily and effortlessly remove programs from your Windows system. Instead you can use the free Revo Uninstaller to get rid of unwanted software from your system. But it lacks in features and sometimes just does not work as you would expect. You can find the Programs & Features section in the Control Panel of Windows 7 and Vista using which you can uninstall any installed software from your system.

Revo uninstaller pro portable v3.16